Real Estate Transactions in
28411 Wilmington, NC
Are you wondering what the November 2023 Real Estate Statistics look like in the 28411 Zip Code of Wilmington, New Hanover County, NC?
View the Real Estate Local Market Update for the 28411 Zip Code in Wilmington, NC for November.
View Interactive Charts for Closed Sales, Average Sale Prices, Days on the Market, and Pending Sales for One Family Homes in the 28411 Zip Code in 1 Year and 3 Year Charts.
Closed Single Family Sales are down 8.3% Year to Date. Is it due to the real estate market or is it that there less homeowners deciding to sell and placing their homes on the market for sale? Year to Date New listings are down 10.3%
1 Year Closed Sales
Average Sale Price is up 18.4% Year to Date(Median Sale Price is up 16.7%) and that was with Morgage Interest Rates ranging from 6.48% to 7.31% for the first 3 Quarters of the year.
1 Year Average Sale Price
Average days on the market are up in comparison to last year, but are still much lower than in 2020 and 2021. Could higher mortgage interest rates and higher asking prices be the reason for the recent increase in Days on the Market?
1 Year Average Days on Market
Pending Sales show current home buying activity while Closed Sales represent buyer activity of 2/3 Months earlier when the purchase contract was signed. Looking at Pending Sales Monthly is important as Monthly Pending Sales show what is happening currently in the real estate market. November Pending Sales in 2023 are slightly lower than in 2022, and noticeably lower than in 2021. And 2023 Year to Date Pending Sales are down 10% compared with 2022. Is that due to the noticeable difference in New Listings for the Month of November as compared to the year earlier, current mortgage interest rates, and higher sale prices, or is it just the “Seasonal” time of the year?
1 Year Pending Sale
This article was prepared by David Fialk, Realtor Emeritus, who regularly posts real estate articles of interest for home buyers, home sellers, and homeowners.
Licensed Since 1971, David Fialk is a Licensed Real Estate Broker in North Carolina (Intracoastal Realty, Wilmington 28411) and a Broker- Salesperson in New Jersey (Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Metuchen 08840) and has helped more than 1800 Families Move across Town… Throughout the State… and Across the Country!
Are you planning on purchasing real estate? Thinking of selling your home? For real estate information “You Can Rely On, Contact the REALTOR You Can Rely On”.
David can be reached via email or by phone at 910-859-0200 or at www.DavidFialk.com.
Want to find out more about David Fialk?