Wondering What Improvements/Upgrades Will Increase the Value of Your Home?
Do all home improvements or upgrades increase the value of a home? Will improvements and upgrades increase the value of the home by at least the cost of the renovation?
Cost does not equal value when improving, renovating or repairing a home! Just because a repair or renovations costs X amount, it does not necessarily increase the value of the home by the same amount.
Home Upgrades With the Lowest ROI
File these 4 home upgrades under wish fulfillment, not value investment. Read
7 Smart Strategies for Kitchen Remodeling
Follow these seven strategies to get the most financial gain on your kitchen remodel. Read
10 Insider Tips From a Designer Who Specializes in Small Baths
A New York City designer shares secrets to making a small bath bath functional and beautiful. Read
How to Pick Paint Colors to Fix Any Room’s Quirks
Paint colors can do a ton to fix a room’s flaws for not much money Read
Smart Basement Flooring Options
Learn how to keep moisture and humidity away from your basement floor during a basement floor remodel. Read
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